In addition to individual haptotherapy and relationship guidance, I provide guidance on work-related learning questions and guidance on learning questions in teams.


Haptotherapy with Hanneke

Everything that receives attention grows.

Haptonomy is about strengthening the connection.

Connection between what you think and feel. Connection between you and the other.

Connection between what you wish and what you do.

For whom?

Babies are born feeling and indicate that there is a need through, among other things, crying. Need food, a clean diaper or attention.

Through life we learn that we have to adapt and put our own needs first. Before you know it, you start living from your head and thinking about what is good for you and the other person.

Society is designed to constantly be 'on', to be there for others. We notice the constant 'on' state through, for example, depression, depressing thoughts, beliefs about how you should be and what you should do or be for the other person.

You forget or consciously suppress (with your thoughts/beliefs) the physical signals. It is not convenient to feel this way right now and you continue or look for a quick fix.

Associated physical complaints become more intense and take over. Think of cramped muscles, 'spontaneous' failure of, for example, a leg, fatigue, disturbed digestion, inexplicable heart complaints, pain in your body, often without a medical cause.

Emotions arise spontaneously and are experienced as intense. But why do they come all of a sudden?


You don't really know why your body starts to react differently. Previously you managed to function 'normally' in your work or home situation, but now you notice that you are irritable, tired more quickly, busy in your head or experiencing a lot of pressure from others on you.

You notice that negative thoughts, beliefs about yourself are harmful to your overall system

You feel that you want to be different, but you don't know how yet.

Among other information you can find various examples/questions from people who have gone before you.

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Haptotherapy is about rediscovering the connection between what you think, feel and experience any emotions. A true journey of discovery to rediscover the unique you.

What we; what you and I (therapist) do during the session is go on a journey of discovery. Discovering the signals that your body sends, whether you close down or open up, what your space is like and what your space is like in the presence of the other person.

We will investigate what stands in the way of you being fully yourself. What thoughts and beliefs do you have about yourself?

How can we do this?

* Together

* Conversation

* Touch

* Experiential exercises

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Individual session lasts a maximum of one hour.

    Costs per individual session: €85

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Where and when?

My practice:

Villa den Breul

Rijksstraatweg 1716573 CNBeek-Ubbergen near Nijmegen

Wednesday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Thursday, Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.

More information

Hello, my name is Hanneke

Life has taught me to tune in to people. My work as a coach in disability care, youth care and psychiatry has shown me how important it is to be with yourself, who you are. The way of working from haptonomy has given me the experience of also being attuned to myself. Focus on myself, the other, in connection with each other. ~ If you connect with yourself, the rest will happen automatically ~

More about me

Listen to my podcasts

Listen to the podcast to experience the connections between haptonomy and science, among other things.

Tyranny of happiness

Optimism in all seriousness

Skin hunger and the 1.5 meter society

More podcasts
What inspires me:
Terug naar je basis: Verkort haptotherapie traject bij paniek- en angstgevoelens
by haptotherapiemethanneke 09 Mar, 2024
Terug naar je basis: Verkort haptotherapie traject bij paniek- en angstgevoelens Ben je het zat om overspoeld te worden door paniek of angst? Loopt je hoofd over in allerlei gedachten en heb je geen flauw benul van wat je lichaam aangeeft? Dan is dit verkorte haptotherapie traject iets voor jou!
by duda-wsm 03 Feb, 2023
BinnenesteBuitencoachingsdag 10-3-'23
by duda-wsm 03 Feb, 2023
Met regelmaat komen mensen met stressklachten binnen in mijn praktijk. Zij merken belemmeringen op in het dagelijks leven. Op de vraag wat zij hopen te behalen tijdens de sessies, komen o.a. onderstaande vragen naar voren. >"Ik wil meer balans in denken en voelen kunnen ervaren." >"Ik wil weer beter in contact komen met mijn lichaam en emoties." >"Hoe kan ik weer luisteren naar mijn gevoel?" >" Ik wil in mijn kracht staan, grenzen aangeven, aangeven wat ik wil, rechtop staan." >"Hoe kan ik van mijn stressklachten af komen en weer genieten?" Om van stressklachten af te komen is het handig om eerst te weten welke signalen je lichaam nog meer geeft. Welke worden opgemerkt zijn de signalen waarbij het lichaam al aangeeft tot hier en niet verder, maar welke signalen heeft jouw lichaam al aangegeven alvorens deze heftige klachten? Door samen bewust stil te staan, kan jij weer gaan ervaren wat jouw lichaam allemaal aangeeft. Ook gaan we ontdekken wat jouw eerste beweging is ten aanzien van deze signalen. Bijv. "Luister je naar de onrust wat je lichaam aangeeft, neem je het waar als je gedachten een zijsprong maken, wat gebeurt er dan daadwerkelijk op dat moment?" Wij kunnen dit samen ontdekken tijdens een individuele sessie of een workshop-dag van BinnensteBuitencoaching, zodat jij weer kan luisteren naar het gefluister van je lichaam.
by Hanneke Jebbink 14 Feb, 2022
De kwaliteit van onze relaties bepaalt de kwaliteit van ons leven.

“Hanneke is honest, direct, concrete and has flawless insight to quickly and effectively provide a wealth of self-insight. I am now with myself, which makes my interactions with others much more pleasant.”


“Hanneke had a good sense of what I needed and gave me tools for myself and for my relationship. I now experience balance and have insights into my regular habits that were not pleasant. Dear Hanneke, thank you."


“Hanneke quickly found the right words, exercises and approach that I needed. She felt very well where my boundaries were and respected them. What I really liked was that Hanneke also indicated her own feelings, how she experienced the exercises, so that I also received feedback and had the feeling that she understood and felt me.”


“ Very satisfied! A personal treatment where my request for help was taken seriously and handled very professionally. Treatments have a great effect. If I need haptonomy again in the future, I will definitely contact Hanneke again.”


“Extremely satisfied: care provider is friendly, patient, understanding. Always looking for the desired effect."


“Hanneke helped me at a time when I no longer knew how to handle things and was stuck in my daily life, in my work and in my private life. By just being there and listening, she helped me get a grip on my thoughts, gain insight into the system in which I have trapped myself and helped me deal with it. Our conversations gave me peace, space in my head and tools to actively solve things. Hanneke managed to break through my wall and knew my questions before I even knew I had them. The mirror that was held up to me taught me a little more about myself.”


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Haptotherapie helpt je om je bewust te worden van je tastzin en zintuigelijke waarneming. Gesprek Aanraking Ervaringsoefeningen trauma behandeling depressie burn-out